Hyvolution event in 12 Days

Last week, we informed you about our participation in the Hyvolution event in Paris from January 28th to 30th, and the locations of RHeaDHy’s partners at the fair. Today we will outline the contributions of various experts attending the fair and the key presentations organized by their organizations.

Inside the following carrousel, you will discover that Reda Bellahcene (Lab Crigen), Pierre-Yves Binetruy (Emerson), Dorine Crouslé (Lab Crigen), Pierre Guendouz (Hydrogen Refueling Solutions – HRS), Jean HERISSON (Benkei), Sullivan ICARD (FORVIA), Jasper Laug (LAUDA), Nicolas Meslot (Alfa Laval), François MOIGNET (Alfa Laval), Titouan Niault (Emerson), Quentin Nouvelot (Lab Crigen), Mathieu Schram (Hydrogen Refueling Solutions – HRS), Christian Spitta (Zentrum für BrennstoffzellenTechnik (ZBT)), and Lukas Willmeroth (Zentrum für BrennstoffzellenTechnik (ZBT)) will be available periodically throughout the fair and are eager to discuss our advancements on our new high-flow hydrogen refueling solutions dedicated to heavy-duty vehicles with you.